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waroriole last won the day on June 1 2023

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About waroriole

  • Birthday 02/29/1980

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    Philadelphia, PA
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    law student
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Nick Markakis
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    Cal Ripken

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  1. Then look it up yourself and try to understand. Why does everyone else have to explain it to you?
  2. They wouldn’t have been the 6/7 SP. They would’ve been in the OD rotation because he knew Bradish and Means weren’t gonna be in the OD rotation.
  3. An elite closer means we can start using Kimbrel in the 7th. Coulombe and Cano in the 6th. For the playoffs.
  4. He has cut down on the strikeouts at Bowie. So far he has 73 in 226 AB. Last year in Bowie he had 108 in 238 AB. You can tolerate a guy with a 35% K rate who plays great defense in CF, especially in a platoon role.
  5. But counting on Irvin or Wells to contribute to the rotation in the off-season was not the type of move you make if you’re trying to win a WS. It’s great Suarez has been a contributor, but I could see that running its course very soon. He knew Bradish and Means were unlikely to be healthy for long. I get there were payroll limitations with previous ownership, but I don’t believe he was so hamstrung he couldn’t bring in depth for the pitching staff. Plenty of guys got 1-2 year deals and we showed no interest. Stroman, Gibson, Wacha, Lorenzen, just to name a few.
  6. The refusal to address the obvious pitching deficiencies through free agency is baffling. The lowest payroll in baseball last year, so free agency should be the first option. We sign Kimbrel and that’s it. Not even depth moves for the rotation or bullpen.
  7. I love all the Tony Gwynn stats related to how little he struck out. One of my favorites is that he had more Assists as a college basketball player than strikeouts in his MLB career.
  8. These guys are the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked.
  9. Then burn the DH. The second night in a row that McCann comes up in a big spot and we’re stuck because god forbid we lose the DH. So many things wrong with this. Stop playing McCann so much. If you insist on playing him so much, then just bring up a third catcher. The roster configuration is confusing.
  10. Oh no a pitcher might have to hit. That would be almost as bad as McCann hitting.
  11. Guy with a .686 OPS, who’s been hot since returning from injury, pinch hit. Guy with a .717 OPS, who’s maybe the fastest player in baseball, pinch hit. Guy with a .552 OPS, definitely let him hit. Hyde, Elias, Sig, whoever. They should be fired for this.
  12. I don’t care. Somebody need to be fired for letting McCann hit again in a big spot in the 7th. Just freaking clear house. Inexcusable. Sigbot is broken. Burn it down
  13. I think you need to hold onto one of Mateo/Urias and one of Mountcastle/OHearn. Also I see no reason to move on from Mullins. He probably shouldn’t be an every day player, but no reason to trade him. I’d give Santander a QO but wouldn’t sign him long term. For Hays it will depend on how he finishes this season. We do need a RH OF bat, but he’ll need to be dependable.
  14. Oh wow he sure is. I guess I missed that. I still don’t want to see McCann ever hitting in important late game spots. Just lose the DH then.
  15. If they’re going to insist on Adley DHing so much, just bring up a third catcher in place of Stowers. It’s not like they’re letting Stowers play and at least this way you can PH for McCann without losing the DH. There’s no justifiable reason for McCann to have hit in the 7th inning last night.
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